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Nearby Points of Interest:
  • Templo del Buda de Jade (1.55 Km)
  • Jardín Yuyuan (6.15 Km)
  • Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park (16.10 Km)

Other hotels in Shanghai

Shanghai Weibo Hotel Changshou

6 Lane 505, Changshou Road, Shanghai 200060 , Shanghai (China)

Hotel description

We would like to warmly welcome you to the Shanghai Weibo Hotel Changshou.
Make yourself at home
We provide a lift for convenient access to the cosy rooms on the upper floors.
Within the hotel a lobby is included.
Where you will stay
Each room features a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space.
Conveniences, for example cable TV for visual and audio entertainment, are to be found in all the rooms.
Use the convenient phone in your hotel room to touch base with your friends or family.
There is a shower in your room's bathroom.

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