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Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe:
  • Mezquita de los Andaluces (450 m.)
  • Mezquita Karaouine (550 m.)
  • Puerta Bab Bou Jeloud (1100 m.)
  • Medina Fez el-Jdid (1.80 Km)
  • Barrio de los curtidores (5.75 Km)

Weitere Hotels in Fès

Hotel Palais De Fez

Mokhfia R Cif, 15, Fès . , Fes (Marokko)

Beschreibung des Hotels

The riad (typical construction of the region) constructed in the 17th century now houses a small hotel with just 8 rooms. Its size allows for personal service for each client, and its rooms and facilities have all comforts.

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