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Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe:
  • Faro de Moncloa (1350 m.)
  • Business District - AZCA (2.10 Km)
  • Paseo de la Castellana (2.35 Km)
  • Biblioteca Municipal Musical (2.40 Km)
  • Hemeroteca Municipal (2.40 Km)
  • Estadio Santiago Bernabéu (2.50 Km)
  • Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida (2.70 Km)
  • Plaza de España (2.85 Km)
  • Gran Vía (3.20 Km)
  • Colección Benedito (3.20 Km)

Weitere Hotels in Madrid

Residencia Colegio Mayor Santa María del Estudiante

Paseo Juan XXIII, 13, Madrid 28040 , Madrid (Spanien)

Beschreibung des Hotels

C.M. Santa María del Estudiante University Hall is your best option if you are looking for a designed accommodation with outdoor swimming pool, sports field, dining hall, in a centric area surrounded by the best atmosphere to study and make new friends. In the Moncloa district in the north-east of the city, the building is just a few meters from the faculties of top universities of Madrid: Complutense de Madrid, Politécnica, San Pablo (CEU), Pontificia de Comillas (ICAI-ICADE), CUNEF and IE Business School, among others. C.M. Santa Maria del Estudiante is one of the university residences with more traditions in the city. Recently renewed, as well is one of the most modern and best designed halls: all rooms are exterior and fully furnished, provide with own bathroom, air conditioning, WiFi, among other features.

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